Ever wondered what it means when a dog raises one of its paws? As dog owners, we always wish to know all about our dogs, but since they cannot express themselves verbally, many a time, we are just left confused by their actions.
One of the common actions that most dog owners must have seen their furry kids do is lift one of its paws. This certainly looks cute, but you must be thinking why your little baby does so.
Reasons Dogs Raises One Of Its Paws
Well, no more guesswork as we shall now tell you some of the reasons behind this action – here are some reasons behind a dog holding a paw up.
1. Your Dog Is Likely Injured
The first thing that you need to check is if your dog is injured. If your puppy is suffering from muscle damage, a broken bone, or a cut, it will lift one of its paws to reduce the pain.
You may notice it exhibiting other disturbing symptoms like shivering or whining if your dog is in pain. If you notice no signs that suggest an accident, and you still cannot figure out if it is anything serious, it might be best to take your dog to a vet right away.
2. Your Pup Is Anxious
If you find a non-hunting dog lifting paw up, this may be because of emotional states like stress, fear, or anxiety. Your furry kid may be in a situation where he is feeling insecure.
When you next notice your dog lifting one of his paws up, just take him out for a walk. This can help distract him and remove the trigger that is causing anxiety. You may even just play with him for a while and offer him his favorite treats.
Together with observing your dog’s paw, also take into consideration its entire body language. Watch the movement of its ears, eyes, and tail. All these combined can quickly help determine if, indeed, your dog is raising its paw because of anxiousness.
3. Your Pup Is Focused
It is very common for hunting breeds like Beagle, English Pointer, Bloodhound, and English Spaniel to raise their paw when they are focused. When you notice such dogs lift their front paw, they are likely focusing on a certain thing and waiting for the right moment to begin chasing their desired object.
If you have trained your dog to work as a hunting animal, it will lift its paw, and there is nothing likely to worry about. This is simply a natural instinct.
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4. Your Dog Is Curious
A paw lift can also denote something positive. It just shows your little furry baby is curious. This behavior can also be followed by a head tilt.
Dogs are used to lift a leg and then tilt their head when they wait for something nice to happen. For example, when you have your dog’s favorite toy or treat in your hand. Or, if you are eating something interesting and they want a bite too.
5. Your Dog Seeks Your Attention
Your dog might also be holding a paw up just because it wants your attention. It may put its front foot up and place it on your knee. And then, it may wag its tail and look at you with its cute little innocent eyes.
If you notice such behavior, then your dog wants your love, so shower it with the same. You are likely to notice these signs over time as your bond with your little friend gets stronger.
Chances also are that by lifting one of its paws, your dog might be trying to tell you that it has done something wrong. So, do go and check if everything around your house is in place and in proper condition.
6. Your Dog Is Displaying His Skills
If you have trained your dog to lift its paw, you will likely see it repeat the same regularly. You may notice it lifting a foot on command if it has been trained well.
Chances are, while training, you offered your dog treats whenever it lifted its paw when asked to. Now, it may repeat the action, even when not asked, just perhaps because it wants to please you and want to eat the tasty treats.
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7. Your Dog Is Frightened
Yet another situation where your dog may hold one of its paws up is when you punish it. Do not confuse this to be a sign of submission. It simply shows that your furry kid is frightened.
To show it is frightened, your dog may even roll over on the back and keep its tail right between its legs. Also, it may remain immobile.
If you notice such signs, then take a step back as your dog is afraid. You should never even let this happen at all. Never be so harsh to your dog that it has to display such behavior because of being scared of you. This might ruin the relationship you share with them. So, instead of scolding, always try to use positive reinforcement to correct your dog’s behavior.
To Conclude –
I hope these different reasons help answer your question about what it means when a dog raises one paw. And so, things henceforth will be a lot easier for you to understand. However, never jump to any conclusion instantly and get stressed yourself.
Instead, closely observe your pet’s behavior and consider the situation and the signs to determine what may be causing it to lift its paw. Do not worry if you are not being able to figure out things right away. You are not alone, and every pet owner takes time to understand their pet and decipher its different behavior.
If you observe carefully, you surely will figure out what your dog is trying to tell you through its body language. It is just a matter of time, attention, and patience, and you will get to understand your dog really well. He, too, will begin understanding you as much.