Leash training is a fundamental aspect of raising a well-behaved dog. But how do you get a puppy to walk on a leash? Dogs don't have an innate ability to walk calmly on a leash – It is a skill that must be taught and nurtured.The benefits of leash training extend beyond mere convenience. It ensures the safety of your puppy, other animals, and people around. A leash-trained dog is also more … [Read more...]
How To Teach a Dog To Retrieve Items – Introduction to Fetch
You might have seen dogs that retrieve everything for their owners. And you might want to teach your dog to do the same. Teaching your dog to retrieve items for you might even be beneficial. It is fun to play fetch. Both for you and your dog. Contents Benefits of Teaching Fetch Fetch is more than just a game; it's an activity that offers a multitude of benefits for both dogs and … [Read more...]
How to Get a Puppy to Sleep In a Crate
Crates may very well create a safe space for a puppy. But as a young puppy, it will have to get used to its crate before it feels safe enough to sleep there. So let's look at how to establish that safety. And how to get a puppy to sleep in its crate. Contents Nighttime Crate Training To get a puppy to sleep in its crate, you will have to build a solid foundation for success. … [Read more...]
How to Train 2 Puppies From the Same Litter
Raising one dog is one thing, but raising two dogs simultaneously is a different matter. It brings its own benefits and challenges. So let's look at how to train two puppies from the same litter at once. Contents Introduction to Raising Two Puppies Simultaneously Training one or two dogs at the same time, does it really matter? Challenges and Common Misconceptions Raising … [Read more...]
How to Toilet Train an Older Dog
If you have an older dog that isn't rightfully potty trained, it's time to do something about it. In this article, we look at how to toilet train an older dog, and how potty training for older dogs differs from puppy potty training. Contents Introduction to Toilet Training of Older Dogs Understanding the Challenges of Working with an Old Dog When it comes to toilet training, … [Read more...]
How early can you train a puppy?
When getting a puppy you are eager to start training it right away. But how early can you train a puppy? We will answer your question about early puppy training here, and give you some tips on how you should start the early training of your puppy. Contents Introduction to Puppy Training Puppy training is essential. But how, and when, should you start? Debunking the Myth: Training … [Read more...]
How To Potty Train a Stubborn Yorkie
Here we look at how to potty train stubborn Yorkies. As Yorkie owners know, their little four-legged companion often have their own opinion. And may not find all your commands meaningful when it comes to potty training. Contents Introduction to Yorkie Potty Training Yorkshire Terriers as a breed are determined, intelligent, and independent. Due to these traits, Yorkshire Terriers … [Read more...]
How Long Should Dog Training Sessions Be?
The most important regarding how long your dog training sessions should be is to end the training session before your dog loses its concentration. Regardless of the training session's length in time, you will have to end the session before your dog loses focus on the task at hand. How long your dog is able to keep focus is dependent on several factors. It might depend on your dog's age, its … [Read more...]